About ECGRI India Study

Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological disorder often associated with lower abdominal pain, and inability to conceive. It is estimated to affect women predominantly in their reproductive age of any population all over the world.  The etiology and risk factors associated with endometriosis are not clearly known in spite of several years of research due to various reasons.  

It is known that some of the women with endometriosis have a family history of endometriosis. It is reported that endometriosis has a difference in presentation in different geographic regions and different populations. The hereditary factors associated with endometriosis in western population are identified but these factors are not known in Indian women with endometriosis.  

The clinical, environmental and life style factors that increases the risk of Indian women to develop endometriosis is yet to be identified. The information on endometriosis presentation and severity in Indian women is very limited. Therefore, we have undertaken a large-scale case control study to investigate the clinical phenotypes and genetic risks associated with endometriosis in the Indian population with the prestigious funding of DBT Wellcome India Alliance

ECGRI is a multi-center study all over India covering representative Indian population from North, North East, East, Central, West and South geographical Zone of India with a targeted sample size of 4000 women. 
